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About Me:

For as long as I can remember, I've loved language. As a child, I'd lock myself in the bathroom with a book and hide from my mom. When I got to college I learned about linguistics, and in short order I'd changed my major. During my undergraduate work I was able to learn Spanish as a volunteer in Argentina and Portuguese on a study abroad in Lisbon.

I took a computational linguistics course early in my major, and soon realized the power that modern technology can bring to other disciplines. After that first taste of CS, I was hooked, earning a minor in Digital Humanities and a Master's degree in Computer and Information Technology from the University of Pennsylvania. My areas of focus include Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. I'm especially interested in applying these technologies in new domains and contexts, and I have published work at the intersection of NLP and Law, and NLP and Social Science.

As for my hobbies, I also love music. I enjoy singing and playing piano. When I'm not working on my digital projects, you can find me in the kitchen trying new recipes, on a run in the city, in my garden tending to my succulents, or on an adventure with my wife.

I keep a Blog with accessible descriptions of many of my projects and publications over here.

Photo of Me and my wife

Academic Presentations and Papers:

  • Balancing Large Language Model Alignment and Algorithmic Fidelity in Social Science Research
    Alex Lyman, Bryce Hepner, Lisa P. Argyle, Ethan C. Busby, Joshua R. Gubler, David Wingate, Sociological Methods & Research (Forthcoming)
  • WhatIf: Leveraging Word Vectors for Small-Scale Data Augmentation
    Alex Lyman, Bryce Hepner, Proceedings of the BabyLM Challenge at the 28th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (Nov 2024)
  • Assessing Verbal Eyewitness Confidence Statements Using a Natural Language Processing Approach
    Rachel Greenspan, Alex Lyman, Paul Heaton, Psychological Science (Feb 2024)
  • Mimicking Persuasive Conversational Dynamics with Language Models
    Rylee Albrecht, Alex Lyman, Sam Vance, Session Winner, BYU Student Research Conference (Feb 2024)
  • Assessing Verbal Eyewitness Confidence Statements Using a Natural Language Processing Approach
    Rachel Greenspan, Alex Lyman, Paul Heaton, Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (March 2023)
  • Stylometric Authorship Inference Using Consensus Networks
    Alex Lyman, FAIR conference (August 2021)
  • Quantifying Fiction Writing using Machine Learning
    Alex Lyman, University of Utah Student Conference in Linguistics (April 2019)